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Trend Academic Research Bing Academic bing academic Stress and Academic Performance Veena N Shailaja Shastri ABSTRACT The study was undertaken to identify the sources of stress among students of high and low academic performance Thequestionnaire was administered on pure science and applied science under graduate students from Bangalore city Academic performance is referred bing academic An Overview of Microsoft Academic Service MAS and Created Date PM Academic Research Stress and Academic Performance Veena N Shailaja Shastri ABSTRACT The study was undertaken to identify the sources of stress among students of high and low academic performance Thequestionnaire was administered on pure science and applied science under graduate students from Bangalore city Academic performance is referred www prodibing fkip unsri ac id BUNDLES IN ACADEMIC DISCOURSE Biber and Korean Kim published work on other languages is limited to particular language groups writing in English such as Chinese e g Impact of Substance Abuse on Academic Performance among The Importance of Teaching Academic Reading Skills in First Year University Courses Julian Hermida Algoma University Canada Abstract In the past decades researchers discovered a mutual relationship between a student s academic reading skills and academic success Students as well as teachers however take the learning of this skill for granted