Update Queensland Code Of Practice For Pet Shops Pet Shop Animals For Sale
This Update Queensland Code Of Practice For Pet Shops Pet Shop Animals For Sale last updates and other pet shop animals for sale petco small animal animals pet shop kelapa gading
Update Queensland Code Of Practice For Pet Shops Pet Shop Animals For Sale pet shop animals for sale management of animals kept for sale in pet shops This code applies to the welfare of all species sold as companion animals The keeping of animals for sale in pet shops presents opportunities risks and responsibilities These should all be assessed objectively prior to a decision to sell live animals from a pet shop pet shop animals for sale AnimAls in Pet shoPs Department of Primary Industries SALE OF ANIMALS INTERPRETATION AND DEFINITIONS TRANSPORT selling of animals in pet shops The standards have legal effect in three ways The person in charge of the pet shop is responsible for compliance with Queensland Code of Practice for Pet Shops management of animals kept for sale in pet shops This code applies to the welfare of all species sold as companion animals The keeping of animals for sale in pet shops presents opportunities risks and responsibilities These should all be assessed objectively prior to a decision to sell live animals from a pet shop PP A Sale of companion animals from pet shops Sale of companion animals from pet shops adopted Introduction For the purpose of this position paper a pet shop is a shop or place used for the conduct of a business including a market in the course of which an animal is kept for the purposes of sale Pet Store Laws By State No person shall maintain a pet shop until he has obtained from the commissioner a license to maintain such pet shop under such regulations as the commissioner provides as to sanitation disease and humane treatment of animals and the protection of the public safety The commissioner may at any time inspect or cause to be inspected by
source :www.daf.qld.gov.au