Viral International Journal Of Business Anthropology Volume International Journal Of Anthropology and other international journal of anthropology international journal of anthropology journal anthropology journal anthropology rank journals journal free

Viral International Journal Of Business Anthropology Volume International Journal Of Anthropology international journal of anthropology The International Journal of Business Anthropology IJBA is a double blinded peer reviewed journal focusing upon business anthropology supported by the College of Sociology and Anthropology Sun Yat Sen University School of History and Culture Jishou University the Institute of Business Anthropology Shantou University Center for Social and international journal of anthropology International Journal of TOURISM ANTHROPOLOGY Scope of the Journal ISSN Print ISSN Online IJTA is a peer reviewed international journal dedicated to advanced theory research and practice in the field of tourism anthropology Due to the multidisciplinary nature of tourism International Journal of Business Anthropology Volume The International Journal of Business Anthropology IJBA is a double blinded peer reviewed journal focusing upon business anthropology supported by the College of Sociology and Anthropology Sun Yat Sen University School of History and Culture Jishou University the Institute of Business Anthropology Shantou University Center for Social and International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology International Journal of Anthropology and Ethnology Page of China revealed the connotation and significance of the change from the pluralistic unity of the Chinese nation to a community of a shared future for mankind The keynote speeches were co chaired by Wang Yanzhong and Shi Jinbo Session on Commemoration of Fei Xiaotong International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology International Journal of Sociology and Anthropology Research Vol No pp April Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK www eajournals org
