Gender Studies Degree Starting Salary The Career Paths Of Physics Graduates Most Wanted and other gender studies degree starting salary

Gender Studies Degree Starting Salary The Career Paths Of Physics Graduates Most Wanted gender studies degree starting salary dropped to approximately Since the mean salary for these individuals was about the percentage gap was approximately percent Whitaker et al Subsequent analysis of the study further revealed that the gender composition shifted dramatically between the highest and lowest salary levels NASW Center for Workforce Studies gender studies degree starting salary American Journal of Business Education September WAGE DIFFERENCES BY GENDER EVIDENCE FROM RECENTLY Starting Salary by Region and Academic Major Bachelor s Degrees Page the overall average salary for bachelor s degree graduates fom the Class of is percent higher Ethnic Cultural Gender and Group Studies Communication Journalism and Related Programs STARTING SALARIES FOR NEW COLLEGE GRADUATES DATA with a MPhys MSci degree and men with a MPhys MSci degree Respondents in employment earned an average salary of higher than the average graduate salary of for all subjects figure There was a gender pay gap Respondents with MPhys MSci degrees had an average salary of higher than Social Work Salaries by Gender Gender pay gaps persist among UC graduates even after comparing students working in the same industry and with a degree in the same field of study The starting salary gender pay gap is perhaps the most telling and useful to analyze as it is free from the effects of experience and job performance that could affect pay levels later in
