Utk Natural Sciences The Two Cultures Of Pedagogy Teaching And Learning In The Update and other utk natural sciences

Utk Natural Sciences The Two Cultures Of Pedagogy Teaching And Learning In The Update utk natural sciences the college s four divisions humanities social sciences natural sciences and the visual and performing arts The College of Arts and Sciences today remains the gateway to knowledge for every undergraduate student who enrolls at UT Our faculty provide students with the foundational instruction that will nurture their lifelong learning utk natural sciences Graduate Majors Degrees and Certificates Programs The Natural Resource Economics Wildlife Health MSWildlife and Fisheries Science Wildlife Health Interdepartmental Plant Soil and Environmental Sciences PhD Crop Sciences Environmental and Soil Sciences Horticulture Plant Breeding Plant Molecular Genetics Weed Science Plant Sciences Plant Sciences MS Crop Sciences Horticulture tHe UNIVERSITY oF TENNESSEE KNoXVILLe CoLLeGe oF ArtS COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES NATURAL RESOURCES COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES NATURAL RESOURCES COMMITTEES Dr Martha Keel Family Consumer Sciences mkeel utk edu Dr Lisa I Muller Forestry Wildlife Fisheries lmuller utk edu Dr Mark Radosevich Biosystems Engr Soil Science mrad utk edu FACULTY SENATE UT INSTITUTE OF AGRICULTURE Scott Wall swall utk edu ARTS AND SCIENCES Humanities Natural Sciences Social Sciences Humanities Stephen Blackwell sblackwe utk edu Millie Gimmel mgimmel utk edu Jacob Latham spqr utk edu Frank Martin fmartin utk edu Shellen Wu swu utk edu Rossy Toledo Alternate rtoledo utk edu Monica Black mblack utk edu

source :trace.tennessee.edu